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45% of local businesses, 850,000 self-employed people and 11% of the national added value (* figures from the Ministry of the Economy and Finance), that’s the reality of the self-employed professions in France. Behind these figures lie great disparities: regulated or unregulated professions, health, law or consultancy…
At a time of great resignation, the liberal status attracts and seems to promise more meaning, more freedom and a better life balance. However, the choice of independence also brings its share of challenges for these superheroes, who are faced with a multitude of tasks on their own. Increased deregulation of certain professions, a changing legislative environment, and all this against a backdrop of sluggish economic growth… these are the challenges they face on a daily basis.
That’s why our editorial teams and experts are close to these professionals every day, helping them to anticipate challenges and other constraints so that they can concentrate on what they do best: their core business. It is this closeness to the professions that we at Infopro Digital can offer you.
Our flagship brands for the liberal professions
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Our teams are at your disposal to work with you in shaping the best B2B marketing strategies.